A complete list of our publications can be found on Yang’s Google Scholar Page.
uUndergraduate students, GGraduate student from my group, gOther graduate students
In review/revision
- Celestin FG, Maltais-Landry G, Dubeux J, Mylavarapu RS, and Lin Y. Cropping systems are a key driver of soil health after accounting for environmental and edaphic variability. In review.
- Donald JBG, Hatfield RG, Ellis R, Osborne TZ, Bacon AR, and Lin Y. Long-term impacts of biosolids on Florida sandy soils: assessing legacy phosphorus and heavy metals 14 years post-application. In review.
- Georgiou K, AngersD, Champiny REG, Cotrufo MF, CraigM, Doetterl S, Grandy AS, Lavallee JM, Lin Y, Lugato E, Poeplau C, Rocci K, Schweizer S, Six J, and Wieder WR. Soil carbon saturation: what do we really know? In review.
- Kellerman AM, Lin Y, McKenna AM, Osborne TZ, Lee YG, Freitas AM, Chanton JP, and Spencer RG. Identifying the molecular signatures of organic matter leached from land-applied biosolids via 21 Tesla FT-ICR Mass Spectrometry. Environmental Science & Technology 59, 2665–2674.
- Gil Cg, Tucker K, Victores S, Lin Y, Obreza T, and Maltais-Landry G. (2024) Nitrogen and carbon mineralization from organic amendments and fertilizers using incubations with sandy soils. Agriculture 14, 2009.
- Champiny REG, Inglett KS, and Lin Y. (2024) The role of nutrient and energy limitation on microbial decomposition of deep podzolized carbon: a priming experiment. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, e2024JG008176.
- Xu MG*, Lin Y*, Ma J, Gao P, Yang G, Song C, Zhang X, Long L, Chen C, and Wu J. (2024) Biochar regulated biogeochemical cycling of iron and chromium in paddy soil system by stimulating Geobacter and Clostridium. Pedosphere 34, 929-940. *, equal contribution.
- Oldfield EE, Lavallee JM, and 21 other co-authors including Lin Y. (2024) Greenhouse gas mitigation on croplands: clarifying the debate on knowns, unknowns and risks to move forward with effective management interventions. Carbon Management 15, 2365896.
- Champiny REG and Lin Y. (2024) Enhanced rock weathering as a nature-based solution for carbon sequestration in sandy soils. In AE Hartemink and J Huang (Eds.), Sandy Soils, Progress in Soil Science Series. Springer Cham.
- Wang Xu, Zhang H, Sun H, Chang SX, Lin Y, and Cai Y. (2024) Converting natural forests to tea plantations reduced soil phosphorus sorption capacity in subtropical China. Land Degradation & Development 35, 659-669.
- Nyabami PG, Weinrich E, Maltais-Landry G, and Lin Y. (2024) Three years of cover crops management increased soil organic matter and labile carbon pools in a subtropical vegetable agroecosystem. Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment 7, e20454.
- Champiny REG, Bacon AR, Brush IDu, Colopietro DJg, McKenna AM, and Lin Y. (2024) Unraveling the persistence of deep podzolized carbon: insights from organic matter characterization. Science of the Total Environment 906, 167382.
- Mahmood SG, Nunes MR, Kane DA, and Lin Y. (2023) Soil health explains the yield-stabilizing effects of soil organic matter under drought. Soil & Environmental Health 1, 100048. Editor’s choice.
- Nyabami PG, Maltais-Landry G, and Lin Y. (2023) Nitrogen release dynamics of cover crop mixtures in a subtropical agroecosystem were rapid and species-specific. Plant and Soil 492, 399–412.
- Almaraz M, Groffman PM, Silver WL, Hall SJ, Lin Y, O’Connell CS, and Porder S. (2023) Dinitrogen emissions dominate nitrogen gas emissions from soils with low oxygen availability in a moist tropical forest. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 128. e2022JG007210.
- Xu MG, Lin Y, da Silva EB, Cui QG, Gao P, Wu J, and Ma LQ. (2022) Effects of copper and arsenic on their uptake and distribution in As-hyperaccumulator Pteris vittata L. Environmental Pollution 300, 118982.
- Lin Y*, Gross A*, and Silver WS. (2022) Low redox decreases potential phosphorus limitation on soil biogeochemical cycling along a tropical rainfall gradient. Ecosystems 25, 387–403. *, equal contribution.
- Muthukrishnan R, Hayes K, Bartowitz K, Cattau ME, Harvey BJ, Lin Y, and Lunch C. (2022) Harnessing NEON to evaluate ecological tipping points: opportunities, challenges, and approaches. Ecosphere 13, e3989.
- Nagy RC, Balch JK, others, and NEON Science Summit Participants including Lin Y. (2021) Harnessing the NEON data revolution to advance open environmental science with a diverse and data-capable community. Ecosphere 12, e03833.
- Qin C, Bartelme R, Chung YA, Fairbanks D, Lin Y, Liptzin D, Muscarella C, Naithani K, Peay K, St Rose A, Stanish L, Pellitier P, Werbin Z, and Zhu K. (2021) From DNA sequences to microbial ecology: Wrangling NEON soil microbe data with the neonMicrobe R package. Ecosphere 12, e03842.
- Lin Y, Campbell AN, Bhattacharyya A, Didonato N, Thompson AM, Tfaily MM, Nico PS, Silver WS, and Pett-Ridge J. (2021) Differential effects of redox conditions on the decomposition of litter and soil organic matter. Biogeochemistry Letters 154, 1-15.
- Chari NRu, Lin Y, Lin YS, Silver WS. (2021) Interactive effects of temperature and redox on soil carbon and iron cycling. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 157, 108235.
- Slessarev EW, Lin Y, Jimenez BYu, Homyak PM, Chadwick OA, D’Antonio CM, and Schimel JP. (2020) Cellular and extracellular C contributions to soil respiration after wetting dry soil. Biogeochemistry 147, 307–324.
- Lin Y, Gross A, O’Connell CS, and Silver WS. (2020) Anoxic conditions maintained high phosphorus sorption in humid tropical forest soils. Biogeosciences 17, 89-101.
- Gross A*, Lin Y*, Weber PK, Pett-Ridge J, and Silver WS. (2020) The role of soil redox conditions in microbial phosphorus cycling in humid tropical forests. Ecology 101, e02928. *, equal contribution.
- Lin Y, Slessarev EW, Yehl Su, D’Antonio CM, and King JY. (2019) Long-term nutrient fertilization increased soil carbon storage in California grasslands. Ecosystems 22, 754-766.
- Bhattacharyya A, Campbell AN, Tfaily MM, Lin Y, Silver WS, Nico PS, and Pett-Ridge J. (2018) Redox fluctuations control the coupled cycling of iron and carbon in tropical forest soils. Environmental Science and Technology 52, 14129–14139.
- Lin Y, Bhattacharyya A, Campbell AN, Nico PS, Pett-Ridge J, and Silver WS. (2018) Phosphorus fractionation responds to dynamic redox conditions in a humid tropical forest soil. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 123, 3016-302
- Shi Z, Lin Y, Wilcox KR, Jiang L, Jung CG, Xu X, Yuan M, Guo X, Zhou J, and Luo Y. (2018) Successional change in species composition alters climate sensitivity of grassland productivity. Global Change Biology 24: 4993-5003.
- Miller DL, Roberts DA, Clarke KC, Lin Y, Menzer O, Peters EB, McFadden JP. (2018) Gross primary productivity of a large metropolitan region using high spatial resolution satellite imagery. Urban Ecosystems 21, 831–850.
- Lin Y, King JY, Karlen SD, and Ralph J. (2018) Short-term facilitation of microbial litter decomposition by ultraviolet radiation. Science of the Total Environment 615, 838–848.
- Adair CE, Parton WJ, King JY, Brandt LA, and Lin Y. (2017) Accounting for photodegradation dramatically improves prediction of carbon losses in dryland systems. Ecosphere 8, e01892.
- Lin Y, Prentice SE, Tran Tu, Bingham NL, King JY, and Chadwick OA. (2016) Modeling deep soil properties on California grassland hillslopes using LiDAR digital elevation models. Geoderma Regional 7, 67–75.
- Slessarev EW, Lin Y, Bingham NL, Johnson JE, Dai Y, Schimel JP, Chadwick OA. (2016) Water balance defines a threshold in soil pH at the global scale. Nature 540, 567-569.
- Xu X, Shi Z, Chen XC, Lin Y, Niu SL, Jiang LF, Luo RS, and Luo YQ. (2016) Unchanged carbon balance driven by equivalent responses of production and respiration to climate change in a mixed grass prairie. Global Change Biology 22, 1857-1866.
- Lin Y, King JY, Karlen SD, and Ralph J. (2015) Using 2D NMR spectroscopy to assess effects of UV radiation on cell wall chemistry during litter decomposition. Biogeochemistry 125: 427-436.
- Lin Y, Scarlett RDu, and King JY. (2015) Effects of UV photodegradation on subsequent microbial decomposition of Bromus diandrus litter. Plant and Soil 395: 263-271.
- Lin Y and King JY. (2014) Effects of UV exposure and position on litter decomposition in a California grassland. Ecosystems 17: 158-168.
- Lin Y, Han G, Zhao M, and Chang SX. (2010) Spatial vegetation patterns as early signs of desertification: a case study of a desert steppe in Inner Mongolia, China. Landscape Ecology 25, 1519-1527.
- Lin Y, Hong M, Han G, Zhao M, Bai Y, and Chang SX. (2010) Grazing intensity affected spatial patterns of vegetation and soil fertility in a desert steppe. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 138, 282-292.
- Wu J, Jiang P, Chang SX, Xu Q, and Lin Y. (2010) Dissolved soil organic carbon and nitrogen were affected by conversion of native forests to plantations in subtropical China. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 90, 27-36.
- Yang X, Pattison S, Lin Y, Ikehata K, Lau BLT, Chang SX, and Liu Y. (2009) Agricultural wastes. Water Environment Research 81, 1490-1544.