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A complete list of our publications can be found on Yang’s Google Scholar Page.

uUndergraduate students, GGraduate student from my group, gOther graduate students

In review/revision

  • Celestin FG, Maltais-Landry G, Dubeux J, Mylavarapu RS, and Lin Y. Cropping systems are a key driver of soil health after accounting for environmental and edaphic variability. In review.
  • Donald JBG, Hatfield RG, Ellis R, Osborne TZ, Bacon AR, and Lin Y. Long-term impacts of biosolids on Florida sandy soils: assessing legacy phosphorus and heavy metals 14 years post-application. In review.
  • Georgiou K, AngersD, Champiny REG, Cotrufo MF, CraigM, Doetterl S, Grandy AS, Lavallee JM, Lin Y, Lugato E, Poeplau C, Rocci K, Schweizer S, Six J, and Wieder WR. Soil carbon saturation: what do we really know? In review.


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