Yang Lin
Yang is the lab’s principal investigator and an Assistant Professor of Soil Health in the Department of Soil, Water, and Ecosystem Sciences at UF. He received a PhD in Geography from the University of California, Santa Barbara and a MS in Soil Science from the University of Alberta.
Yang’s CV, ylin2 at ufl.edu

Franky Celestin
Franky is a PhD candidate with interests in soil health assessment and nutrient management. He is co-advised by Yang and Dr. Rao Mylavarapu.

Swarnali Mahmood
Swarnali is a PhD candidate with interests in soil health assessment and carbon cycling.

Ryan Champiny
Ryan is a PhD student supported by the USDA National Needs Fellowship. She is interested in soil carbon cycling and nature-based climate solutions.

JoAnn Donald
JoAnn is a PhD student. She obtained her MS degree in our group thanks to the support from the USDA National Needs Fellowship. She is interested in understanding the environmental impacts of biosolids application.

Xinlin Wang
Xinlin is a MS student co-advised by Yang and Dr. Lakesh Sharma. He is interested in dissolved organic matter transport in soil.

Audrey Plauche
Audrey is a senior working on her honors thesis. She is interested in soil health and environmental chemistry.

Diego Leitao
Diego is a our lab manager.

Me’Keila Lightfoot
Me’Keila is a senior working in the lab as a research assistant. She is interested in soil health.

Courtney Roen
Courtney was a MS student supported by the USDA National Needs Fellowship. She was interested in soil phosphorus cycling and nutrient best management practices.

Bella Brush
Bella was an OPS technician. She completed her honors thesis in the lab on phosphorus leaching from biosolids-impacted soils.

Isabella Marinelli
Isabella was a senior working on active learning research project on soil color modeling.

Yewon Lee
Yewon was a MS Student with interests in legacy phosphorus and pollution remediation. She was co-advised by Yang and Dr. Allan Bacon.

Daniil Fortuna
Daniil was an undergrad research assistant.

Gabby Fisher
Gabby completed her honors thesis on the role of biochar in remediating soil greenhouse gas emission.

Precious Nyabami
Precious was a MS Student interested in soil and water conservation. She is now a Research Associate at Pattern Ag.

Min Xu
Min Xu was a visiting PhD Student from Sichuan Agricultural University. She is currently a lecturer at Sichuan Agricultural University.